Monday, 29 August 2016

Last week for art Mrs G came in and put togetr some puzzle pices that we had to colour in. Once we were given a piece of paper with a bit of a letter on it we had to color it in. We had to colour the part of the letter and trace a pattern with a black felt pen. Once we finished we put them all up on the wall to figure out what the hidden message was. We found out that the secret message is "Ruma Iwa"

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Olympic Flag

In class we have been learning about the olympics. So we made some of  the countries flags that are competing in the olympics. I picked the USA. What we did was we got a piece of paper and we had to draw what flag we were doing, (mine was not easy i had to draw 50 stars) then once we drew it we had to paint it. The painting was really fun.

This is my flag

heti ki art

Last week we made some heti ki art.
we had to get a piece of paper and draw some patterns on it with wax crayons, then we painted over it with black pastel paint.
after we let it dry we had to colour in our tikis.
after that we had to scratch a pattern into the pastel paint
after that we stuck the tikis on 

this is my one 

Monday, 1 August 2016

1st day at Electronics

How to get ready for a disaster

1. Learn about disasters and how to keep safe

2. Create and practice a household emergency plan

3. Assemble and maintain emergency survival items

4. Have a getaway kit in case you have to leave in a hurry

The household emergency plan says Ineed a torch with spare batteries. I am going to design a torch of some kind.

Image result for torch with spare batteries